KAS-1000 H2 ORP A device with molecular hydrogen. It generates water with high negative ORP values (-500 <600) with neutral or medium alkaline reaction. It gives very high percentages of stable H2 molecular hydrogen (900 <1300 PPB). This means that the hydrogen remains in the water in its active form for a long time. This water has unique properties, very different from ordinary ionized or alkaline water.
The kit includes the KAS-1000H2 Generator, a three-stage filter with a flow regulator and a valve, and a remote control.
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Clean water
Enriched with diatomic hydrogen
Two simple elements: oxygen and hydrogen. In combination, they form water, an unusual substance that forms the basis of life. Water cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes.
Water provides balance to our cells. Water is so important that our search for habitable planets depends on its presence. Water gives life, but what if it could change your life?
What would happen if you could top up the water using only the water-forming elements? Hydrogen is the smallest and simplest of all elements, but it contains great power hidden. Combining two hydrogen atoms, it releases the power of the sun. Binding of two atoms produces diatomic hydrogen or H2.
By simply separating the water into its components, we can fill the water with diatomic hydrogen and on a smaller scale its benefits are equally wonderful.
Technological breakthrough KAS-1000 H2
The KAS-1000 H2 device is designed to obtain filtered tap water and produce alkaline, hexagonal water with a high content of free H2 hydrogen. Big water starts with ... big water. Thus, the KAS-1000 H2 has a multi-stage, 3-stage filtration system (0.01 micron ultrafiltration) built-in for deep removal of impurities and chemicals from water. This purified water is pumped into a hydrogen generator that uses a proton exchange membrane to separate hydrogen and introduce it back into the water. The result is clean, fresh water with a refreshing taste that is filled with all the antioxidant power of diatomic hydrogen!
KAS-1000 H2
A new generation of strength
KAS-1000 H2 MOLECULAR HYDROGEN DEVICE Generates water with high negative ORP values (-500 to -900) with neutral or medium alkaline pH above 8. It gives very high percentages of stable H2 molecular hydrogen (900 <1750 PPB). This means that the hydrogen remains in the water in its active form for a long time. This water has unique properties, very different from ordinary ionized or alkaline water.
It is also very effective in the case of mineral water, where satisfactory results cannot be obtained using classic ionizers. The KAS-1000 H2 generator has been designed to provide the highest level of hydrogenated water. By using the latest membrane technologies for proton exchange, the H2 series outperforms the performance of traditional plate ionizers.
Just press the button to get the latest water purification technology combined with all the benefits of diatomic hydrogen.
The powerful antioxidant potential of hydrogen will help your body feel the best and achieve peak performance. Leave it to us to completely change the way we look at the water.
Inhalation of hydrogen and drinking water saturated with hydrogen properties:
It improves health and protects cells.
It improves the absorption of nutrients in the body.
Enables better hydration.
It improves muscle and tissue function and joint mobility.
It improves the quality of life of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Increases blood circulation.
Helps reduce saturated fat levels.
It delays cell aging, giving healthy looking skin.
Reduces problems with constipation, diarrhea,
It reduces general malaise.
Helps to lower cholesterol.
Helps to lower blood pressure.
It helps detoxify the body.
Daily detoxification.
Faster recovery after physical training eliminates so-called Soreness.
Better endurance and concentration.
It improves skin condition and maintains beautiful skin.
It improves blood glucose levels.
Reduces uric acid levels in the treatment of gout.
Noticeable improvement of ulcers and reduction of relapses.