When the eyes start to sore and water, it means they need help. Exposed to external factors, overworked and burdened with our way of life, they require special care. What helps tired eyes?
The hydrogen glasses device is used to alleviate or reduce fatigue caused by eye strain such as working, studying, driving a car, getting up late and environmental changes.
The KAS -020 therapeutic glasses are a suitable product for students, people using cell phones, computers and other electronic equipment and people with dry eye syndrome, as well as for all family members such as students, white-collar workers, overtime workers and the elderly.
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The KAS -020 therapeutic glasses are a suitable product for students, people using cell phones, computers and other electronic equipment and people with dry eye syndrome, as well as for all family members such as students, white-collar workers, overtime workers and the elderly.
The actual steam experience at 42 ° C is not uniform. The evaporation in 42 ° C fog adopts medical grade therapeutic potential such as drug soaked flakes, and the particle size of the fog is 3-5 µm. The fluid at the micron level is divided, the fog is more delicate and the ultra sound energy is heated by the warm fog technology which directly warms the air at a constant temperature, eliminating the bad feeling of heat and cold, and protecting the eyes effectively. Uniform starting temperature, closed area therapy acts directly on a limited part, so that only the eye area is moisturized and the absorption is more complete without pressure moisturizing
1.1. The hydrogen glasses device is used to alleviate or reduce fatigue caused by eye strain such as working, studying, driving a car, getting up late and environmental changes.
1.2. They can be used in moisturizing physiotherapy. A hot and cold compress eliminates dry eyes, pain and other unpleasant symptoms caused by dry eye syndrome.
1.3. Using the KAS-020 glasses Increases blood circulation around the eyes, reduces dark areas under the eyes, and reduces dry and fine lines around the eyes.
1.4. Prevention and control of pseudomyopia in children (an intermittent and temporary shift of the eye's refraction towards myopia).
1.5. The KAS-020 hydrogen eye glasses with vapor in the form of a mist is an important addition to rehabilitation for dry eyes. You can also enjoy the beauty of rested eyes with Chinese medicine at home.
1.6. Hydrogen eye glasses with vapor in the form of mist have the function of introducing H2 gas. You can choose to introduce hydrogen according to your actual needs.
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